Friday, October 19, 2007

Apologize Now Congressman Stark!

Dear Congressman Stark,

I was saddened by your clear lack of respect for the position of public trust given to you, as a Congressman, and the President of the United States both occupy! Your statements degrade the quality of the political fabric of this Great Nation. You attack the President's character and I fail to see how it doesn't demean your character as well. That which you speak sir has meaning. If you wish to vent do so some place other than the House Floor! It is entirely inappropriate for a man of your dignified position to have muddied himself in such a manner as you did yesterday.

You owe this Nation an apology! You owe the President an apology! Please show that you are not without recognition of the abject shame you have brought upon yourself and tangentially the great institution of the House of Representatives! Apologize today and refrain from ever behaving in such a drunken manner again!

An appalled American Citizen and Patriot

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

An Open Letter to Nancy Pelosi... and Steven Ayers...

I receved an email today that deeply offends the truths we as Americans hold self-evident, that informed me of the following blog.

Here is my open letter response to the Speaker of the House:

Dear Madam Speaker Pelosi,

I am appalled by your support of the decision of acting Architect of the Capitol, Stephen T. Ayers, to ban the use of religious references and specifically his refusal to use the word "God" on a flag certificate requested by an Eagle Scout, which read; “In honor of my grandfather Marcel Larochelle, and his dedication and love of God, country, and family.” Mr. Ayers has overstepped his position in removing the use of the word “God” in the certificate issued for this Eagle Scout.

This incident is unpresidented and wholly inappropriate for a man acting in Mr. Ayers' position. (Mr. Ayers is a non-elected bureaucrat, acting in the post and should be removed from this post immediately and reassigned to a Censorship Committee.) You of all people should adimently disavow his claim, and call for his reassignment, that he has the authority to ban the word “God” from these certificate. This is the first time ever for an acting Architect of the Capitol to ban religious or political references. Mr. Ayers stated his logic for removing the word “God” was because it might have might be offended someone.

Will Mr. Ayers now proceed to remove other religious references found throughout the Capitol?
Perhaps he should start with the Declaration of Independence or the Bill of Rights. Heaven knows those documents are deeply offensive for their religious overtones and references. They should obviously by his logic be removed from display and altered so as to not offend those good atheists who hate God. This act of his should not be defended it should be rebuffed and redressed ESPECIALLY by the Speaker of the House of Representatives! I call upon you act in a manner that is befitting a person of your position.

You should immediately petition his removal from his acting position. I am sadden to know that you will do nothing of the sort, because you are affraid of the political ramifications in your party or worse yet you truly do support his actions. This is one reason why you are presiding over a House that has near record low ratings. We the people of these United States having formed a more perfect union now find ourselves loathing the very people we have sent to represent us because of their lack of patriotic integrity and national character. We have twice reminded your collegues in the Senate that their actions on illegal immigration were not wanted. We voted for a change two years ago and the change has proven to be for the worse. This is a small issue in your mind and obviously of no consequence based upon your response at the press luncheon. Yet again you prove that you do not understand the sacred charge you have been given to represent "We the People...". You ought to have some shame in this matter but it is clear that shame has left you and as a poet once bemoaned the loss of shame can never be replace and once lost dignity and purpose are lost. Which explains quite a few of your actions as a Representative and now as Speaker of the House of Representatives.

The architect is charged with their preservation and I am disgusted by his politically correct actions. HIS ACTIONS OFFEND ME GREATLY! YOUR ACTIONS TO DEFEND HIM OFFEND ME EVEN MORE! So if you are going to do something because you don't want to OFFEND SOMEONE, you certainly picked the WRONG THING NOT TO DO!!! Actions have lasting consequences. You are charged with the defense of the constitution of the United States of America, which is ONE NATION UNDER GOD!!!

I respect the office though you have greatly degraded all that it stands for in recent months. This is a Great Nation founded upon GOD GIVEN inalienable rights, too bad you haven't ever truly understood what those rights require of those to whom the mantle of their defense is given. You fear the Religious Right because they speak of God and truth. Truth NEVER CHANGES that is the way of things known as truths. I know God is a god of truth. You must decide Madam Speaker whether you are a supporter of truth, justice and that corny thing known as the American Way!

I pray GOD that you and I and Mr. Ayers will always have your right to those inalienable rights granted to us all in our personal lives. However, as a representative of the Federal Government it was not and is not his place to censor the use of the word "God" in any place or time. That is at the core of a separation of church and state. Not the absence of church or God. It is the absense of government telling its citizens who and how to worship. Yet is appears this is how you would have it based upon your support of Mr. Ayers decision to remove any reference to God. Thus, I must conclude that the Official Church that you would establish for these United States is Secular Atheism. Therefore I must conclude that you seek to make my inalienable right to worship as I see fit, to be of less value than I do.

You must remember that these inalienable rights must be extended to us all! You may choose to serve your own god the god of secular self, but remember in order to maintain that freedom; you must allow others to serve their own god. I chose along time ago to relenquish the god of secularism and to recognize the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob who was uniformily recognized by Adams, Washington and Jefferson. You may revile each and everyone of the founding fathers as dead white men of no consiquence but I value them and I have taught my children to value them. I can allow you your contempt of these treasured icons of American History, the very founders of our GOD GIVEN Nation; though I will despise you for those beliefs. Remember that if you seek to destroy my inalienable rights you are destroying your own as well. Please, cease your destruction of the freedoms and truths that I love and hold inalienable and self-evident!

Signed a concerned husband, father and patriot;

(Update as of October 16th, it should be noted that this policy has now been reversed due to the public and political pressure we as Americans brought to bare upon Madam Speaker Pelosi and upon the acting Architect of the Capitol, Stephen T. Ayers.)

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Porn in the Library of Congress...

The following is an rant of mine in response to an indivdual who PMed me after I posted my aversion to the Library of Congress storing copies of Penthouse and Hussler. I have withheld his name for obvious reasons. I don't think he needs any more notority. His message was so filled with hateful explitives that I could not in good conscience publish them. Yet he has the right to speak these hateful words. As I have the right to deride them. That is the beauty of the First Ammendment.

It has little to do with any of those extremely $#@**% elegant and less than reasoned comments. Rather it has to do with the Library of Congress maintaining a copy of “a cross-section” of everything ever published. If it has an ISBN the Library of Congress likely has had a copy for review at some point.

Though the broader point for me is rather more simplistic. How on earth is looking at naked chicks going to give you an education beyond that which any guy has gained with in his first quarter of a century? It is nothing more than a waste of time especially when you can have the real thing! I would much rather go home and spend some quality time with my wife. After all, I am upholding the national weekly average for those who merely sit at their house smut in hand... Get a REAL life eh!

As for the comment about Christianity… Real atheists ignore Christians. Posers and pornos just complain because they are closet Christians fearing judgment. Make up your mind. You either believe or you don't. If you don't then let the Christians wander in their own views of eternal bliss while you in your agnostic brilliance move through life to its inevitable conclusion... DEATH!

Another point to consider while you are deriding the Christians... The Constitution of the United States exists because of them. Give them credit for your ability to be so #%$@#*&*$ eloquent in your commentary against the predominant religious group in America. Personally as a constitutionalist at the core I do. If you were in Iran you might end up dead if you railed in a similar fashion against the predominant religious group known as Islam. Don’t be so blind and ignorant of your nation and its history that you end up waxing so #%*&@#$* eloquent in your daily posts.

Now you may continue with your juvenile mockery of Christians, most actually relish the persecution as it makes them feel important to the cause of Christ. So by all means give them the affirmations they are expecting from such $%*#@$@* eloquent individuals. I know I am asking for to much when I ask for a more reasoned discussion the relevant facts surrounding a topic of discussion on an internet discussion board; but the sake of sounding more mature try to compose a real argument rather than spouting pointless human emotion and vitriolic epitaphs.

I welcome your commentary. Though as the benevolent dictator that I am I will simply delete or edit #!@$%$%%#*&$ eloquent posts because I see no point in helping you advertise your brilliance!