Friday, February 8, 2008

Dr. Dobson... Too Litttle.... Too Late!!!!

I know I am going to offend some folks on this one but this is one of those things that has to be said in spite of the annoyance because it is the truth, at least as far as I can see. If Dr. Dobson wants to enlighten us further I will gladly ammend the details but right now this is how it stands... So with further word count inflating... Bill O'Rielly would call it Bloviating... ;) My critical critique of the Dobson endorsement of Huckabee.

I have a real bone to pick with one man today for is "endorsement" of Mike Huckabee as the only conservative left. That man is Dr. Dobson, who I have the greatest amounts of respect and admiration for him on other matters of discussion especially matter of the Family. But frankly speaking I see through his BS endorsement of Huckabee this morning. He in my oppinion all but endorsed Mitt Romney a few days ago but came short of doing so. I have looked at it from several sides and the only answer for why he didn't is a very bigoted reason (which saddens me greatly). He assumed that he could attack McCain and not endorse Romney's only other rival and have us read between the lines as to who he really secretly supported was Mitt Romney. Yes that is what he ment by the letter he sent to Laura Ingram on the eve of Super Tuesday, she had been Mitt's greatest advocate and he knew that by sending her this closet endorsment she would read it and all of us would understand and be willing to vote just like he wanted without ever having to dirty his image in the South. I believe his endorsement given weeks earlier would have made a difference in some of the Southern States. His strategy and obtusiveness backfired on the country and now we all must deal with the reality that we face. To be fair though he wasn't the only one who just didn't get it until it was too late, but he is the most prominate of the bunch. So where does that leave us? John McCain is our man. YUCK! If we are lucky Mitt will accept the VP spot if McCain is smart enough to offer it.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Now this is encouraging to see...

WOW! Now this is how innovation and free enterprise can work hand in hand to build a better tomorrow, without oppressive government regulations. I take may hat off to the founders of the X PRIZE Foundation and their commitment to change the world by inspiring individuals to pursue “a prize and acclaim”. The creation of the Automotive X PRIZE (AXP) is in my opinion as a adamant and devoted constitutionalist this is an inspired approach to environmentalism and conservation or resources. I whole-heartedly approve of this sort of environmental activism that doesn’t ignore the realities of real American everyday life and liberty. Nor does it destroy the spirit that made America the great nation it truly is and can continue to be in the future.

Now if they would offer an X PRIZE for a working MECH, I would be thoroughly ecstatic! Oh well one can always dream right!

Enjoy the read, I know I did and I look forward to following this competition as it unfolds next year.

I would be glad to call McCain the Commander in Chief, if I could call Romney the CEO in Chief!

Mitt Romney officially suspended his Presidential Campaign today in a speech a CPAC. I am disappointed at the loss of the only true conservative leader in this race who truly understands the nature of this economy. Yet I understand the practical realities that motivated him to make such an unpopular move. I was proud of him for the manner in which he did it. He made it very clear that he was suspending it for the good of the nation and I have to admire him for that move. He made it very clear that he was not running for President to satisfy his ego but because he loved his country and felt a need to make a difference. That is the mark of true patriot and statesman. I hope that McCain as much as I despise the majority of his post 2000 years of service and bill will return to his conservative roots and select a true economic conservative to serve as his Vice President.

As much as I have railed against McCain during this Primary Season I should make it very clear that I am in no way shape or form willing to see us retreat from the task at hand in Iraq, as the Dems Obama and Clinton are advocating in their campaigns. As much as I distrust McCain on the economy and immigration if he had Romney at his side to shepard the economy through this period, I would be glad to call McCain the Commander in Chief, if I could call Romney the CEO in Chief!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

U.S. Constitution - Discussion Series: Frame Work

As I have watched the struggle for the Republican Nomination this year between Mitt Romney and John McCain, it struck me that too few of my fellow countrymen understand these very documents defining our freedoms. It prompted me to review these precious documents. I have decided to post a short commentary on the United States Constitution and other documents of Founding importance, like the Bill of Rights and letters of our founding fathers.

I have decided to start with the first Ten Amendments to the Constitution of the United States. This is one is the most important Amendment and it is protected by the Second Amendment. Several of the Amendments are composed of very diverse subjects in and as such in an effort not to short change their importance I will break them up into smaller sections.

So without further adieu, the U.S. Constitution - Amendment I

  • Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

How sublime! The Freedom of Religion is given the position of honor and power as the first of the ideals to be protected. While many Americans do not associate themselves with any religion what so ever, there are countless millions who do. Why is this principle "The Freedom of Religion" required for the Freedom and Liberty our Founding Fathers sought to establish?

That is the question I will discuss in detail in my next post.

Looks like my delegate poll data needs an overhaul...

Looks like my delegate poll data needs an overhaul. I am finding Zogby's Polling results to be very questionable. It seems they include a bias for who ever has paid for the poll.

If you run the numbers of delegates an interesting detail appears to me. If Romney won California he would have been 50 delegates ahead of McCain. In essence California has given us a very shakey Republican front runner.

I read an interesting quote from GOPUSA's Tony Blankley this morning.

  • "Assuming John McCain gets the GOP nomination, it will show how whimsical history can be. It would be the first time in living memory that a Republican presidential nomination went to a candidate who was not merely opposed by a majority of the party but was actively despised by about half its rank-and-file voters across the country -- and by many, if not most, of its congressional officeholders."

I understand it there were more than 2 million early voters that will not be counted until next week. There were only 2.2 million Republican voters yesterday that means there are nearly as many uncounted votes as counted in that key state.

Not that it is something to expect but if that vote switched from McCain to Romney's favor it would give Romney a major political coupe and a 51 delegate edge over McCain. It is an extreme outside long shot but it has happened before that race have been changed by the early voters.

I am not holding out hope on this but it is an observation, but that is something I see as I look at the numbers in California this morning.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Just for the fun of it... Super Tuesday Predictions

Just for a bit of fun and to test the spread sheet I have built to calculate the value of polls. It has thus far been wrong on West Virginia, so you can take it with a grain of salt. I just thought it would be of interest to counter this claim in the media that McCain is going to make a Clean Sweep today and capture the nomination.

As predicted by the media and the polls... (This is how the media started the day in the projected delegate count.)

Candidate Delegate Count
John McCain 600
Mitt Romney 475
Mike Huckabee 171
Ron Paul 17

As the polls stand now... (This is the status of the projected delegate count as it stands with OFFICIAL NUMBERS replacing projected poll numbers for WV).

Candidate Delegate Count
John McCain 570
Mitt Romney 475
Mike Huckabee 201
Ron Paul 17

As I suspect it will end up... (This is the status of my projected delegate count as it stands with OFFICIAL NUMBERS replacing projected poll numbers for WV).

Candidate Delegate Count
John McCain 550
Mitt Romney 462
Mike Huckabee 240
Ron Paul 17

In any case does this appear to be a CLEAN SWEEP for McCain?

Monday, February 4, 2008

Romney WINS Maine!!!

In other news not truly being reported Mitt Romney, (the true conservative heir to the Ronaldus Magnus Scepter of Power), wins yet another upset from the McLair and his BS Express. He pulled 18 of the Maine Delegates to bring him just 5 delegates from his previous first place position.

Huckabee scored an abysmal FOUTH PLACE finish in Maine (behind Ron Paul of all canditates of non-showing), and in spite of his 29 delegates the Iowa Huckster is still nothing more than a third tier candidate and if he were a true conservative would have bowed out and thrown his hat to the Romney camp. His petulance in this race leads me to think of him as stuck pig squealing for all he is worth because he knows he is about to be eaten for dinner.

What annoys me most about the Huckster is that he is lying to everybody when he proclaims himself a Christian and a man of high ideals, when he clearly was complicit in the McLiar’s attack on Romney’s clear position against the “Timetables” of the Democrats. Romney is a strong realist who understands that when you have no plan for success you fail! That is all his statement of a secret timetable meant as was clearly delineated by the following question in which he stated he would VETO ANY BILL THAT WAS A TIMETABLE FOR WITHDRAWL.

Regan was a man of honor, McCain while a clear war hero in the past, is no longer a man of integrity. That is clear.