Thursday, February 7, 2008

I would be glad to call McCain the Commander in Chief, if I could call Romney the CEO in Chief!

Mitt Romney officially suspended his Presidential Campaign today in a speech a CPAC. I am disappointed at the loss of the only true conservative leader in this race who truly understands the nature of this economy. Yet I understand the practical realities that motivated him to make such an unpopular move. I was proud of him for the manner in which he did it. He made it very clear that he was suspending it for the good of the nation and I have to admire him for that move. He made it very clear that he was not running for President to satisfy his ego but because he loved his country and felt a need to make a difference. That is the mark of true patriot and statesman. I hope that McCain as much as I despise the majority of his post 2000 years of service and bill will return to his conservative roots and select a true economic conservative to serve as his Vice President.

As much as I have railed against McCain during this Primary Season I should make it very clear that I am in no way shape or form willing to see us retreat from the task at hand in Iraq, as the Dems Obama and Clinton are advocating in their campaigns. As much as I distrust McCain on the economy and immigration if he had Romney at his side to shepard the economy through this period, I would be glad to call McCain the Commander in Chief, if I could call Romney the CEO in Chief!

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