Friday, June 25, 2010

"...Prohibiting the Free Exercise thereof..." of the Freedom of Religion

When did the "respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" vanish in America? The answer to this isn't quite clear but what is clear is that in Dearborn Michigan there is a tacit support for a city religion.

What religion is that you may wonder and what evidence do I have to make this statement? It is a more radical branch of Islam that seeks to impose the dark aged tenants of Sharia. Sharia is extremely radical and unconstitutional. How is that possible you ask for a religious movement to be unconstitutional you may ask. There are two easy questions we can ask to determine its fitness under the constitution: Does it allow others to have the "establishment of religion"? Does this religion in anyway act or create a prohibition on the "free exercise thereof"? If the religion does then that religion is violating the constitution.

So now we must ask; Does Sharia Law violate this standard? Yes! How? Sharia does not permit an individual to proselytize to Muslims, which is at least a marginal issue of free speech. Sharia does not permit a Muslim to leave the faith, on pain of DEATH. Does that sound like it violates the "Free Exercise" Clause of the First Amendment? It does to me!

This is not only unconstitutional it is unconscionable! As all who know me can attest, I am very much a man after Thomas Jefferson’s point of view, where the "free exercise thereof" of another's religion is concerned.

"It does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg."
Yet when it comes to Sharia even I have to draw the line. It not only is picking the publics pocket in this case it literally seeks to enforce its religion at the point of a gun!

This is utterly unconstitutional. There are many on the left who will quote another Jefferson thought,
"There is no freedom of religion without freedom from religion."
Yet these very same people are the ones who are allowing this principled position to be overrun at the point of a gun. If the police are enforcing something IT IS INDEED at the point of a gun.

One more Jefferson quote for you to round out this post.
"Man once surrendering his reason, has no remaining guard against absurdities the most monstrous, and like a ship without rudder, is the sport of every wind."
Have we surrendered our reason if we allow the gun barrel enforcement of Sharia in the United States?


Frank V Bonura said...
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Frank V Bonura said...

Well said and Thomas Jefferson is sadly rolling in his grave.

Islam is the enemy of all Americans and all free people. Lets not mince words and call Islam for what it really is, a threat and enemy to all mankind.

If we do nothing, the gun will be pointing at our heads next.

Wake up America!!!

JR said...

Here is a copy of the letter I sent to Dearborn's Mayor. I encorage each everyone to do likewise. Here is the webform page:


I have watched the video posted on the web of how your police force responded with Gestapo-lite tactics. They clearly violated the first amendment's intent and purpose. Your city has become a blight on this nation repeatedly for its refusal to remind the Muslim community that their right and privileges end when they step on another’s. The application of Sharia Law and its human rights violating tenants is utterly unconscionable. You should be ashamed!

I have added Dearborn, Michigan to my small list of boycotted city's. I will not visit or do business with any Dearborn related entity, until Dearborn decides it is is willing to live within the bounds of our Constitutional Republic. I have encouraged all of my readers as well to likewise boycott your city for the forseable future.

Sincerely a Constitutional Patriot,
Editor of the "We Hold These Truths Self-Evident..." Blog