Thursday, August 28, 2008

I have been watching too many Jane Austin movies...

Yes it is true my wife is a huge Jane Austin fan. If it is a Jane movie we will watch it, as was the case last night. So why would a constitutionally minded blog mention such a movie as, "Northanger Abbey"? Quite simple really, it is due to the conversation I had with my beautiful and astute wife after the Jane feast was over.

Shauna: The aristocracy was really quite horrible.

John: Remind you of any particular political party?

Shauna: Not really.

John: The Democrats.

Shauna: Why?

John: They care more about the image and the financial details of the situation than they do the real core humanity of the situation. It is all about the appearance rather than the substance of any matter.

Shauna: They believed they were better than the average person on the street that they rode past. They despised anyone in a business enterprise that they called, "a trade". The pretended to care nothing of money and to be mindful of those "wretched poor", all the while they were scheming to marry for money or power and spitting upon any of births lower than they perceived themselves.

John: Precisely!

I find as I think about last nights conversation that there is much truth to be had as a generality, though there are clearly some Republicans (we call them RINO's) who have clearly adopted the views of the New Aristocracy. Isn't that an ironic thought the Democrats are yelling about the Republicans being "Robber Barons" when it is they themselves who first adopted their tactics and ideals?

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