Saturday, October 4, 2008

We have been RAVAGED by the PIRATES in Washington YET AGAIN!!!

I know the Washington elites and their surrogates in the press club will all claim the passage of the $700 Billion Bail-out and the addition of the required amount of "sweetener" $150 Billion in Pork are what this nation needed to survive this MADE UP CRISIS that has NOT AFFECTED my life until now! I have lived my financial life in a RESPONSIBLE fashion and I am OUTRAGED by the INSANITY induced by Washington's addiction to OPM (that's "Other People's Money" for anyone who might not know that financial term)! It translates in Washington to YOU AND I as we are the taxpayers and they have mortgaged our nation in a similar fashion to those foolish enough to take Interest Only 1-Year ARM's! This year marks a truly tragic moment in our Great Nation's history. We the People of the these United States are now whole-heartedly, according to the press surrogates, embracing socialist ideal. This path leads only to misery and pain! Every nation on earth that has tried socialism has paid a high price for the massive waste and fraudulent use of our money!

I wish to thank my Congressman Don Young for standing in the breach and fighting for those core values that we as true patriots and lovers of freedom value most dearly! You have done your job and on November 4th I will do mine and re-elect a true fiscal conservative!

I urge all who read this to do the same replace the villains who have perpetrated this massive theft, upon us as the citizens of this Great Nation! I implore you to PLEASE, Elect the other guy!

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