Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Constitution IS NOT "Fundamentally Flawed"!

Unlike our likely 44th President, Mr Obama, I do not believe the Constitution was "fundamentally flawed". I believe it to be inspired and capable of overcoming the insanity that the framers recognized would tear at the new nation's fabric until it was solved. They provided the means and the incentive for what President Lincoln and the Civil War ultimately placed on its final road to oblivion. I fail to see how Obama as a man who would have 200 years ago been considered 3/5th of who he has become can claim that it was fundementally flawed. Perhaps he fails to recognize that the 3/5ths compromise is the very thing that the framers used to table a divisive topic for the future and yet to grant it strong standing when it was next addressed. How can he claim to be a constitutional scholar and miss that salient detail. Perhaps it is just rhetoric but I am annoyed by his comment.

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