Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Read it or Listen to it... Either way do it Today!

Ask someone if they know what the Constitution of the United States says about religion and God and they will likely tell you it says to keep them seperated from government. Ask them about the Bill of Rights and the Right to an Abortion. It is scary but over half will say it is there!

Sadly, that isn't a given in this nation anymore. After the last speech I gave on the Bill of Rights that I gave in my Toastmasters International meeting, I had a 62 year old fellow IBEW member tell me that she had never read it or the constitution since she had left high school. She was shocked at some of the clauses when I read them. I had two others say they hadn't read it in over 30 years. There is a general "idea" about what is contained in these two documents out in the public but sadly as I meet people and discuss it with them I find they are operating on heresay at best when it comes to the content of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Here is a University of Chicago, Law School site I came across that has it in audio version for those of you who are avid audio book listeners like myself.

I encoraging people to read (or listen to) and to seek to understand their heritage granted them by these marvelous documents. I don't want to see us trade freedom for security. As we both know when we do that we gain neither. That idea is attributed to Ben Franklin though three is some debate as to its proper attribution in some circles. History is intresting that way.

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